The Dans Lab, also known as the Computational Biophysics Group, is part of the Department of Biological Sciences (DCB) at the Regional University Center (CENUR) in Salto, located in the northern riverside region of Uruguay (Litoral Norte). At the Dans Lab, we are driven by a deep fascination with macromolecules' complex and dynamic roles within their biological contexts. We employ molecular modeling, in silico simulations, and structural bioinformatics to explore these intricate processes, adopting a multiscale perspective to uncover new insights.
Dans et al. Curr. Op. Struct. Bio., 37, 29-45 (2016) PDF
Prof. Pablo D. Dans
Associate Professor and head of the Computational Biophysics group at theUniversity of the Republic
(CENUR North Riverside). Associate researcher of the Institut Pasteur of Montevideo (Uruguay).
Dr. Leandro Grille
Postdoctoral fellow at the Computational Biophysics Group (2020 - to date). Assistant professor (CSIC I+D, 2023- to date)MSc. Gabriela da Rosa
PhD student (PEDECIBA Química & UdelaR) at the Computational Biophysics Group (2019 - to date). Co-Directed with Prof. Gianna Ceccheto (Microbiología, Facultad de Química, UdelaR). CAP fellowship.Lic. Gonzalo Lopez
Master in Biotechnology student (Faculty of Sciences, UdelaR) at the Computational Biophysics Group (2021 - to date). Co-Directed with Prof. Sonia Rodriguez and Prof. Paola Panizza (Microbiología, Facultad de Química, UdelaR). ANII fellowshipBach. Santiago Pintos
Student in Biochemistry (Facultad de Ciencias, UdelaR) directed by Prof. Victoria Calzada and assistant at the Computational Biophysics Group (CSIC I+D, 2023- to date).Lic. Mage Teliz
Master in Bioinformatics student (PEDECIBA, UdelaR) at the Computational Biophysics Group (2024- to date). Co-Directed with Prof. Paola Panizza (Facultad de Química, UdelaR).MSc. Rafael Sauto
Biochemist (Facultad de Ciencias, UdelaR). Assistant professor at Facultad de Agronomía supervised by Prof. Santiago Signorelli. Researcher at the Computational Biophysics Group (2024-to date).MSc. Jimena Benedetto
Assistant researcher at the Computational Biophysics Group (2025). Co-Directed with Prof. Agnes Noy (University of York, UK). DCB (CENUR North Riverside) fellowship.PAST MEMBERS
Lic. Mauro de Castro
Former student in Biology (Facultad de Ciencias, UdelaR) at the Computational Biophysics Group (2022-2024). Co-Directed with Prof. Victoria Calzada (Facultad de Ciencias, UdelaR).